Saturday, January 31, 2009

Manto-kun Papercraft

Manto-kun Papercraft
Manto-kun is a cute orange critter with a wide smile, antlers, and a temple roof for its hat.

It was created by a citizens group as a replacement for the much maligned Sento-kun, a mascot depicted as a young Buddha with deer antlers, it is the official mascot to mark the 1,300th anniversary of Japan's ancient capital being relocated to Nara. Being the land of all things cute, a majority of the Japanese people has deemed Sento-kun disrespectful of Buddha and most importantly, not cute at all. What do you think?
Manto-kun vs. Sento-kun
Manto-kun Papercraft Mascot

Papercraft Mascot - Kurara & Benri
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