Monday, September 21, 2009

Movetolux Paper Toys - Undercover Investigator (Mouchard)

Mouchard Papercraft Our good friend Jerom created a bunch of paper toyspaper toys for, it's for helping underprivileged children by offering them gifts for the holidays.

Mouchard Papercraft

The set includes a Mouchard (undercover investigator), some of his tools, a vehicle, and his dog. The site is in French and is Flash-based, you won't be able to directly translate it unless you typed the words one-by-one, and since it's a survey type, that would be too long ^^ (although there's only 5 questions).

So for those that want to take the easy road, here are the answers + the text you have to click in between questions:

councours, demarrer l'enquete, art = Mouchard Paper Toy

poursuivre l'enquete, canne dr'house = Mouchard's tools (laptop, glue, fedora, etc).

poursuivre l'enquete, 6 = Car paper toy

poursuivre l'enquete, devant de porte, termine l'enquete = dog paper toy (click right below the spinning pic to get the final template)

Movetolux Paper Toys - Undercover Investigator (Mouchard) [Download]

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