Friday, July 13, 2007

Xbox 360 Papercraft + HD-DVD

So, with E3 winding down today, I've ended up with a deluge of downloaded game demos, trailers (in HD), and some themes - I've pretty much downloaded everything in the marketplace that's E3 '07 related, my XB360 is nearing full capacity. I've started to test out some of the demos so I could start deleting them afterwards, one game in particular that I've been playing over and over was Blue Dragon (ブルードラゴン), designed by Final Fantasy creator, Hironobu Sakaguchi. After about four hours of repeatedly playing the demo, my XB360 croaked, and gave me the very infamous RROD. Luckily Microsoft recently extended the warranty on it by 3 years, so I'll be missing it for a few days.

In relation to my sad story, here's an Xbox 360 papercraft from Sonicscape / Pimpinthe36o/Paperartgadgets blog, I did the base model only but you can check out their site for more creative designs, also included is the Xbox 360 HD-DVD player. Have fun.

Xbox 360 Papercraft [Pimpinthe360]
Xbox 360 HD-DVD Papercraft [via]